The dent-puller’s job
The dent-puller’s job consists of repairing the car body without using filler-paste or paint.
When a car body gets damaged by:
- Hail
- Small collisions, dents, dings, creases, etc.
- Slammed door dents
It is possible to remove the damage using the PDR techniques.
Dent pulling service expresses its best effectiveness whereas the car-body paint hasn’t suffered scratches or cracks. In this case the metal foil, with the use of special tools, gets completely restored. The dent gets completely removed.
Through a meticulous work done by RE-Nova skilled technicians and with the use of professional tools such as dent puller tabs, inertial hammers, PDR lever rods, special lights, etc., it is possible to correct and eliminate small dents and dings caused by hail impacts or different small collisions, without tampering with the original paint.
The technical precision needed for this type of repairs requires specially trained technicians for both the initial approach to the execution of the job. From the evaluation of the damage to repair, to the actual vehicle restoration.